
Tokio Marine HCC
Stop Loss Group
Corporate Headquarters
225 TownPark Drive
Suite 350
Kennesaw, GA 30144
(800) 447-0460


Aside from this year’s spectacular location, Rosewood Baha Mar in Nassau Bahamas, TMHCC will be featuring some informative and entertaining speakers during the conference.



Monday’s meeting will feature renowned health expert, Dr. Marc Milstein. He will be speaking on Managing Stress and Anxiety in Our Fast Paced, Modern World. Dr. Milstein is a Healthcare expert in the media and has explained and clarified cutting edge science on the Dr. Oz show as well in the Huffington Post, USA Today and Weight Watchers magazine.




Dr. Stacy Borans, Founder and Chief Medical Officer of Advanced Medical Strategies (AMS), will kick off Tuesday’s meeting. She will be discussing the current state of affairs. She will be focusing on what to be aware of regarding the influx of specific high dollar diagnosis and therapies. Dr. Borans will also be going over the next generation of emerging therapies and drugs and their estimated costs.

Finishing up Tuesday’s meeting, Daniel Strusz, President and CEO of Tokio Marine HCC - Stop Loss Group, will be discussing the current stop loss and health care market conditions, including the dramatic escalation in the severity and frequency of catastrophic claims. Understand the trends and the potential solutions to benefit your organization and your self-funded clients.



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